Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I'm still pinching myself to see if it's really true - it's 2008, another year just flew by. Since our last blog, we have spent the month of November in Sydney, came back and celebrated Christmas in Melaka with our close friends, the Wilsons, and then, because we can't seem to get enough of our American friends, New Year with them - the Wilsons, Nashs, Hoffnagles, Peters, and Butz.
Going back to Sydney was so much more sane this time round since the kids were older and they learned to sleep together all through the night (well, save the first wk). The weather was frightfully cold for us, yes, we have gotten use to the heat and humidity here for the first couple of weeks. I bought some winter clothes for the kids and borrowed some from my sister in law, Michele.
We celebrated the kids' birthdays a number of times, Matthew once at school before leaving, one on the actual day, another at a gathering at my in laws, another big bash with everyone for the 2 of them, and a last for Mia on the actual date of her b'day. Crazy. Mostly, it was just a b'day cake and candle blowing event for them. They got showered with gifts for their birthdays and Christmas - I have never seen so many toys in my life.
We spent time with family and close friends which was great. We attended Raj and Sophie's wedding at Berry at a beautiful vineyard - a touching ceremony and spectacular lunch. We were very grateful that Wei-Han's parents came with us to mind our kids during the wedding - it made for a delightful day. Our family stayed at a beautiful bed and breakfast with lovely views due to enormous number of windows (from floor to roof - no window coverings) which meant of course that we were mostly up by 5am. Not great for families with young uns. We then went to Magenta Shores with Wei-Han's parents and his brother Wei-Hoe, Chui Yan and our big eye niece, Chevonne. The men got some golf, mostly we just hung out together and caught up with each other.

We managed to catch up brieflywith a family whom we were close to while in Singapore, the Poll family at Terrigal which was so nice, but oh, so brief!
I found myself being very lazy with the camera towards the end of the year, so I took only a few photos, so not too many to put up on this blog.
Because Matthew and Mia were sleeping quite well, I felt like Wei-Han and I were able to enjoy our family, friends and the trip as a whole a lot more. The previous few trips that we made to Australia felt like a tiring blur to me, mostly because I was up many times each night nursing or comforting a baby. As much of a blessing my babies were to us, this relief was definitely a welcome blessing too!


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